"We don't need anything, we only need something; to be hardworking!" M.Kemal Atatürk
3 Temmuz 2024 Çarşamba

ECE Quality Policy


Eskişehir Commodity Exchange, can continue its existence, the needs of its members, can meet the expectations and demands of our region and our country`s social, economic and agricultural areas all expenditures and investment expenditures to be made on behalf may contribute to the development, No. 5174 Turkey gained in the framework of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges Union law; the existing resources obtained from the registration fee, the annual fee, the registration fees for the services, the fees paid for the services rendered, the document fees, the publication revenues, branch and registry revenues, other revenues, interest revenues, securities sales revenues, foreign exchange revenues and other unusual revenues, and its use in the most efficient manner in accordance with its rules constitute the financial policy of our Commodity Exchange.
Eskisehir Commodity Exchange accounting procedures are carried out according to these principles;

  • Social responsibility,
  • Personality,
  • Periodicity,
  • Measuring with money,
  • Cost-based,
  • Impartiality and certification,
  • Consistency,
  • Full description,
  • Dexterity priority,
  • Materiality,
  • Precautionary.

Eskişehir Commodity Exchange, which operates under the law numbered 5174, operates according to the generally accepted accounting principles and the uniform accounting system and provides timely and accurate financial information to assist in the management, monitoring and control of financial resources. Eskisehir Commodity Exchange arranges the financial statements, receipts, documents and books and accounting plans related to the accounting according to the budget and accounting regulations enacted under Law No. 5174.

Documents submitted to the Board of Directors;

  • Weekly receipts and deductions,
  • Current month budget revenues and budget expenditure report,
  • Banks list,
  • Monthly spending list,
  • Monthly adjusted trial balance,
  • Documents submitted to the Parliament and Accounts Review Commission,
  • Current month budget revenues and budget expenditure report,
  • Monthly exact balance,
  • Year-end closing balance and bilateral.


The monthly budget revenues and budget expenditure report and the detailed balance are sent to the members of the council and the Accounts Review Commission at the end of each month for review prior to the parliamentary meeting.
The weekly pay slips, bank and cash register status lists are sent to board members for review prior to board meetings.
In accordance with Article 33 of Law No. 5174, the legal representative of the Commodity Exchange is the Chairman of the Board of Directors. The exchange connects the joint signature of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and at least one member of the board of directors or the general secretary.
Expenditure in accordance with Article 52 of Law No. 5174 shall be made by the joint signature of the General Secretary or Treasurer of the Board of Directors, either by the Chairman of the Board of Directors or by the Vice Presidents authorized by the Board.
Eskişehir Commodity Exchange financial management is realized in 3 stages:

  • Accounting Management:

Eskişehir Commodity Exchange covers the principles and methods of recording, classifying, summarizing, analyzing and interpreting the information on the financially qualified operations that result in changes in their assets and liabilities that arise as a result.


The Eskişehir Commodity Exchange prepares the annual current budget to be approved by the Parliament under Law No. 5174 and Budget and Accounting Regulations and executes its activities according to this plan during the year. Commodity Exchange budget is prepared and approved by the board of directors in accordance with the type of the Union to be prepared and the accounting procedures to be determined. The budget is organized by calendar year.

Budget expenditure is made by the joint signature of the chairman of the board of directors or the assistant general secretary or treasurer.

Expenditure on the proposal of the board of directors as much as the amount determined by the assembly may be made by the secretary general, provided that it is subsequently submitted to the approval of the board of directors.

In accordance with the Law 5174, it regulates the accounting records in accordance with the generally accepted accounting principles and the uniform accounting plan according to the Budget and Accounting Regulation.

According to the annual income of Eskisehir Commodity Exchange (source), expenditures are planned. Expenditures are organized within this plan and the source-expenditure balance is provided.

Reporting - Evaluation:

Final calculation according to Law No. 5174 and Article 30 of the Budget and Accounting Regulation; balance sheet, budget expenditures and budget revenues consist of the other accounts required by the final account statements.

The final account shall be submitted by the board of directors within two months at the latest from the end of the fiscal year when it is relevant. The accounts submitted to the parliament are referred to the review commission for review.


The Commission shall examine the final account referred to it during the period to be determined by the speaker of the Assembly, and shall submit a report in the form of a report and provide a parliament.

In consideration of the report prepared by the commission, the Assembly approves or rejects the final account within three months at the latest from the end of the financial year.

If the final account is approved, the board of directors shall be deemed to have been dismissed.

  • Financial Management:


Eskişehir Commodity Exchange evaluates the assets it owns as time deposits, liquid funds, subsidiaries, government bonds, treasury bonds and repo.

The Board of Accounts Inspection, together with being the executive body of the Board of Directors, may submit the opinions of the parliament concerning the financial management in a report. Treasurer gives information to the management board at the point of evaluation of funds, profitability, high returns.

  • Audit:


Eskişehir Commodity Exchange is in search of providing better quality services in the most efficient way. Financial management and controls are management tools that provide adequate information and assurance to manage as a product of these quests. Establishing a healthy control awareness in management, an effective financial control environment and establishing and operating an organizational structure are among the fundamental tasks of management.

It is very important for Eskişehir Commodity Exchange to check whether the mechanisms work as expected and whether the results obtained are sufficient. For this reason, financial accounts of Eskişehir Commodity Exchange are controlled and supervised by the Board of Directors, Account Inspection Commission and Treasurer.

The Secretary-General shall present the origin of the relevant Accounting Documents to the Accounts Review Commission. The Accounts Review Commission shall conduct the necessary reviews taking into account the accounting document presented, and the appropriateness of financial statements and management accounts shall be submitted to the Assembly in monthly reports.

According to Article 40 of the law numbered 5174, the members of the board of directors elect a member of the treasurer from among them. The Treasurer may, as stated in Article 60 of the Budget and Accounting Regulation, always inspect the expenditures and incomes.

The deficiencies and deficiencies observed with the unlawful transactions shall be communicated to the Board of Directors by the accountant member and reported by the Account Inspection Commission in the form of a parliamentary report.

  • Financial Risks and Risk Management


If Commodity Exchange revenues are below the budget plan, the items that can be saved from the items in the expense budget are examined and put into practice with the decision of the Board of Directors.

In cases where there is a decrease in incomes (earthquake, flood, natural disaster etc.) or in case of excessive increase in expenditures, TOBB will be the basis for the application.

Where necessary savings measures are taken in response to financial risks, loans can be used to meet the expense of the expense budget, and to cover the expenses required by the Parliament and the bank and financial institutions if necessary.

As a resource raising activity, national and international funds for some expenditure items that can be projected can be researched and supported to be supported.

The fixed assets (service building, etc.) of Eskisehir Commodity Exchange are insured by the Assembly decision against the terrorist attack, fire, earthquake etc. risks.

In exchange for the risk of depreciation of cash deposits, our Bourse does not allow the deposit to be used in risky investment areas where there may be negative effects such as commodity exchange.

  • Cash Management:


The monthly cash flow forecast chart is prepared by the Accounting Officer. Up to 20% of cash need is held in demand deposits. Deposits on this ratio are evaluated by the most effective and risk-free investment vehicle to be selected in accordance with the decision of the treasurer.

In addition, income and expenditure items of the Accounting Officer are reported to the General Secretariat in a table in comparison with the same period of the previous 2 years in six monthly periods. Excess fluctuations in income and expense items over the last 3 years are reviewed by the Exchange Secretary General, the reasons are investigated and presented to the Board of Directors. With the decision of the Board of Directors, necessary precautions are applied.

Eskisehir Commodity Exchange adopts the practice in the direction of institutional principles and develops systems to provide continuous development, motive and management of human resources without sacrificing sustainable institutional qualities with the understanding of member and stakeholder satisfaction in the commodity exchange services that it has provided and preparing management and production models to be developed in the future. Human Resources Policy "with the understanding that the main factor to be effective is" human ".
Eskişehir Commodity Exchange adopted the principle of "Employees who are right workers on the right job" in their personnel purchases. Our staff members who are involved in this initiative actively participate in regular training programs with the belief that employee profiles that will create a competitive advantage with our sensitive approach in the election process will be made up of changeable, coherent and learning individuals, and the development of competence and competence is constantly supported.
In Eskisehir Commodity Exchange, the requirements related to the Labor Law, Occupational Health and Safety are meticulously implemented so that employees can work in a trustful environment at workplace. Equal opportunities are provided in training, development and career opportunities with equal approach to all employees.
Personnel will be given the authority to provide services in areas that may jeopardize their health and safety, that their personnel will keep their occupational health and safety awareness constantly high,
OHS processes and performance will be continuously improved, and the staff will provide the necessary resources for health and safety.
To bring people who are high in education, open to innovation and change, entrepreneurial, dynamic, result-oriented, who aim to develop themselves and work.

 Keeping the motivations of our employees and their commitment to the organization in the forefront,
To provide maximum benefit from our employees` abilities, power and creativity,
To create equal opportunities between our employees,
To follow a transparent and open management policy for our employees,
To protect the moral and material rights of our employees,
Individual and corporate values ​​are shared by creating a working environment that respects human rights without discrimination of race, religion, language and gender among the employees; To provide a qualified, peaceful and warm working environment,
It is our basic policy to keep all our human resources applications in line with the conditions of the day and to keep them updated and thus to keep them in a dynamic structure.

The aim of the Eskişehir Commodity Exchange is to meet the expectations of our employees and employees fully and unconditionally in accordance with the structure and size of the risks of occupational health and safety. Therefore;
To ensure the safety of life and property in its services and activities,
That legal requirements and regulations concerning occupational health and safety shall be fulfilled,
In order to prevent diseases and injuries, a healthy and safe environment will be provided,
Identify hazards effectively, minimize risks,
Personnel will ensure that job health and safety training is provided,
Commodity is committed to announcing the Occupational Health and Safety policy to all its employees and to establish an easily accessible Occupational Health and Safety system.

As a contemporary institution, ECE is closely following information technologies and plans to pass on a vision to projects that require security and technology.
The awareness of information security as a corporate responsibility and the principle of zero security breach, the continuity of the work in the organization, the reduction of troubles that may occur in business,
It adopts security as a basic security policy to ensure that information is protected from widespread threats and that all information security applications in the frame of confidentiality, integrity and usability principles are observed and updated according to the conditions of the day and thus kept in a dynamic structure.
For our commodity exchange, as described above, information is a very valuable asset that must be protected. The confidentiality of information, its completeness and the fact that it is ready and in service when necessary is directly related to the service quality and professional image of our Commodity Exchange. In the knowledge of our vital knowledge that our information security is possessed;
ECE Information Security Management System to be established; it is important to show and maintain our commitment to our relationships with our members and other stakeholders. This policy ensures that information is protected against unauthorized access, that the confidentiality of information is ensured, that the information is not intentionally given to unauthorized persons, that the integrity of information is provided,
 Employees will be provided with information security training and all information security vulnerabilities and suspect weak points will be reported to the responsible persons.
Information security, a sense of corporate responsibility, the roles required for the proper operation of information security processes will be defined, authorities will be set and responsibilities will be assigned.

All units that will use the information processing infrastructure, users accessing information systems as a third party, and services, software or hardware providers that will provide technical support to information systems will be ensured to comply with these principles by attaching importance to information security principles.

By introducing the agenda items of the Eskişehir Commodity Exchange, the agricultural, economic, cultural, social activities and projects carried out in the light of today`s information through the means of communication and conveying accurate and useful information to our members, stakeholders and target groups, contributed.
It is our stakeholders to create a straightforward step-by-step process that will enable us to summarize what we want to say clearly and clearly and shape how we will forward our message.

Archiving of the daily newspapers from the commodity exchange by taking and copying the copies of the news which are directly and / or indirectly related to the Commodity Exchange,
Turkey and in the world agriculture, livestock, food, stock market activities, economy, socio-cultural changes of the stock market`s views on various issues, our members are professional activities the facilitation of information and of our blurb of the places he be released every six months of ECE magazine and supplied to our stakeholders,
Determination of the content of our publications by Eskişehir Commodity Exchange Editorial Board, execution of all kinds of coordination studies related to quality control, acceptance processes and publishing works of publications,
Regulation of local TV programs every six months with the participation of the commodity exchange management and transfer of opinions and thoughts of the Commodity Exchange to the public on the agenda,
The publication of the Annual Report covering the activities of the stock exchange and the circulation of our stakeholders,
Socio-economic research with an entirely academic approach to the issues aimed at shedding light on new ideas and projects aimed at agricultural and commercial life in our region, sharing research findings with stakeholders,
Press conferences are organized to convey the views and messages of the Commodity Exchange regarding the issues brought to the agenda by the Eskişehir Commodity Exchange or the issues on the agenda,
Apart from the opinions and policies established by the authorized bodies of the Eskişehir Commodity Exchange, there is no disclosure of personal opinions by the Eskişehir Commodity Exchange directors,
Preparation of articles and press bulletins for the purpose and aim of the activities of Eskisehir Commodity Exchange,
Interviews on the projects and activities carried out by the stock exchange,
Arranging campaigns to ensure that the issues brought by the stock market to the agenda are effectively delivered to the target group,
SMS messages, posters, posters and announcements, announcement of activities and activities of the room,
Ensuring that the web page is up-to-date and serving with an understanding that respects the needs of our members,
Creating e-mails and sms groups of our members, ensuring that all announcements to be made to our members are made via e-mail, internet page and sms program,
Ensuring that members of the stock exchange whose death sentences are reported by sms program within the working hours (between 08:30 and 19:00)
To convey the celebrations, wishes and wishes of our Commodity Exchange to stakeholders via newspaper advertisements and internet pages on special days and weeks determined by the Board of Directors,
Making all kinds of organizations (meetings, conferences, seminars, award ceremonies) to be open to the public,
The creation of a database of contact information for local and national media,
In order to carry out the relations with the press in a healthy manner, various activities are organized with the participation of the members of the press and the stock market management,
The establishment of the national and local newspapers and subscription system,
On the web page of the news published at the beginning of our stock exchange, the update of the Eskişehir Commodity Exchange Department,
The rates of the news published at the beginning of our stock exchange, the rates at the beginning and the entrance rates of our Commodity Exchange website ( www.esktb.org.tr ) are reported and managed by 3 months.

We aim to develop the environmental consciousness and to have continuous improvements in environmental performance,
For services and activities that are provided to its members and stakeholders, taking into account the relevant environmental legislation and other conditions for a habitable world and a sustainable life; to minimize natural environmental impacts, to protect natural resources,
Environmental problems are important and priority issues in the society agenda in developed and developing countries. Agriculture based on intensive input use in developed countries; soil degradation, pollution of pesticides and so on. Creating many problems.
Most of the developing countries have economies based on basic industries compared to developed ones, and most of the population is engaged in agriculture. Therefore, it is high in the developing countries due to the potential for deterioration of environmental resources and destruction of the production structure.
In industrialized countries, issues related to the quality of the environment are evaluated more in terms of human health and the aesthetic quality of the environment. On the other hand, the problem in developing countries concerns both human health and productivity, as well as the destruction of future productivity of natural resources. For this reason, agriculture, environment and economy should be considered as complementary issues.
If it does not prevent the formation of waste, it is committed to reduce the production of waste the most and to ensure the recycling of these wastes.

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